Privacy policy

Legal information

(Regulated by Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy)


Director of publication: Christophe AVOCAT-GROS
This site is published by :
Syndicat Local des Moniteurs du Ski Français de Morillon, a professional union governed by the law of 21 March 1884
Address: esf Morillon - Les Esserts - 74 440 Morillon
Telephone number: 04 50 90 11 52
Contact by clicking here
Registered at Morillon Town Hall
Siret number: XXX

Website design and hosting

The site is hosted by Valraiso.

Photo credits

esf Morillon // Agence Zoom

Intellectual property

All intellectual property rights, in particular copyright, relating to the general structure of the esf Morillon website as well as to the texts, images, animated or otherwise, photographs, sound and any other element making up the esf Morillon website remain the exclusive property of the Syndicat Local des Moniteurs du Ski Français de Morillon, with the exception of elements protected by intellectual property rights and belonging to a third party.

The information available on the websites may only be used for strictly personal purposes.

Any use, commercial or otherwise, in particular any downloading, copying, reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, broadcasting, adaptation, translation or representation of all or part of the website by any current or future means and process on any current or future medium without the prior written authorisation of the Syndicat Local des Moniteurs du Ski Français de Morillon, is prohibited and may give rise to legal proceedings, in particular for counterfeiting, as sanctioned by articles L.335-2 and following of the intellectual property code, subject to the application of article L.122-5 of the said code.

This prohibition applies regardless of the method of reproduction, representation and/or modification, and regardless of its duration.

Any authorised use of the elements making up or appearing on the website and belonging to the Syndicat Local des Moniteurs du Ski Français de Morillon must be made without distortion, modification or alteration of any kind.

The name ESF is a trademark registered by the Syndicat National des Moniteurs du Ski Français under the number 1 725 190 at its last renewal. Any use of a similar or identical sign to designate identical or similar products and/or services is prohibited without the express prior authorisation of the Syndicat National des Moniteurs du Ski Français.

Hypertext links (liability)

The Syndicat Local des Moniteurs du Ski Français de Morillon is not responsible for the content of any other website linked to this site.

As soon as the user is redirected to a website published by a third party, the general terms and conditions of sale of the latter are applied to the exclusion of the general terms and conditions of sale of esf Morillon.

The establishment of a link to our site does not require authorisation. The Syndicat Local des Moniteurs du Ski Français de Morillon accepts no responsibility in this case.


After referring the matter to the E.S.F. management, and in the absence of a satisfactory response or a response within 60 days, the customer may refer the matter to the Tourism and Travel, whose contact details and procedures are available on his website: